
How do you all work on your blockbusters? How to find time to play in your busy schedule

How do you all work on your blockbusters? How to find time to play in your busy schedule

How do you all work on your blockbusters? How to find time to play in your busy schedule

Every day we look at content that we want to touch on, but in reality, there is more entertainment available than an individual can play. . To be honest, there is no end to it.

If you want to write a critical article or publish some kind of essay, there are certain works that you should read, but if you just want to enjoy games for entertainment, there is no need to go out of your way to do so.

This month’s this , it won’t hurt your wallet, and you’ll be able to focus on one thing, so it’ll be easier to remember. Even if it turns out to be a different game than you expected, you can just buy the title that was your second choice, so it’s not always the right thing to check everything you’re interested in from the beginning.

Of course, we in the game media rely on having users buy a lot of works, but that being said, we need to find a realistic line and enjoy interacting with the finite number of games. fun think.

●Review your daily schedule

In the first place, living a life so busy that you don’t even have time to sleep is dangerous even before playing games. If your health is affected by lack of sleep, stop reading this article and go to the hospital right away.

If you are busy with hobbies or lifeworks other than games, you can say that you have a fun enough life, so you may not need to spend time on games either. I think it’s irresistible to come back to the game after a while and enjoy the feeling of a lifetime away . I was like, “What, the current game saves automatically!?”

If you still want to devour modern gaming culture, you can make full use of streaming and other means to schedule “I’ll play games with everyone at this time on this day during the week.’  streaming I don’t know. If you do it on YouTube, you’ll have an archive of it, and you’ll feel a sense of obligation, so unless you have something to do, you’ll be able to play it all.

The video site boom is far from over, so this is your chance to become smarter in this field. It’s okay to just drool at first, so why not give it a try?

●Let’s become a game writer!

too extreme method , but I’m not joking.

In the first place, most people do the game writing business as a side job, and it is a job that does not require any special qualifications or restrictions. As long as you have the will and perseverance to do it, you can continue, and no one will blame you if you take a break for a while.

Of course, you’ll need to be familiar with a specific game, have social common sense, and have a certain level of writing ability, but as long as you’re comfortable with the game media, you’re free to decide what kind of articles you want to write. If you have an extraordinary passion for games, but feel like you don’t have a chance to present your work, we highly recommend you give it a try.

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