
Grandma’s tips for coughs!

Grandma's tips for coughs!

Grandma’s tips for coughs!

Wet cough or dry cough, we already knew the difference. A wet cough requires that secretions be thinned and evacuated . When the cough is dry, it is important to moisten the bronchi and airways.

Syrups are generally prepared to treat wet coughs. For dry coughs, we turned more to herbal teas.

However, after 5 days , if the cough still persists, it is recommended to consult your doctor. 

2 / 6 Onion syrup

The syrup is very effective against fatty coughs, for the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the onion. Why not try, just to thin the secretions.

Honey has antiseptic properties and, according to several studies, is the best remedy for coughs and sore throats.

Peel 6 onions and slice them. Put everything in a bowl, adding 4 tablespoons of honey.

Heat for a few minutes in a bain-marie. Cover and leave for two hours. Strain the syrup and take a tablespoon every three hours.

The syrup you prepare can be stored but ideally should be finished by the end of the day. 

3 / 6 Garlic

Eating raw garlic is not the first time that we have been advised to do so.

Raw garlic is the best treatment for several diseases; especially for coughs or headaches. For dry coughs, a clove of garlic every 6 hours has always shown its effectiveness, why not today!

4/6 Thyme

Grandma also made herbal teas for us when we got sick or had a cold. We didn’t always know what they were, but we drank them wisely.

Today it is proven. The antiseptic and antitussive effect of thyme has been demonstrated, thanks to the existence of the active compound, thymol.

Thyme is specially prepared as a herbal tea for dry coughs. Grandma boiled 200 ml of water in which she put 3 sprigs of thyme. When the water changed color, she removed the branches and the herbal tea was ready. She told us to drink it throughout the day. We added a little honey to revive the taste a little. 

5/6 Turnip syrup

The remedy is very easy to prepare and also remains effective against sore throats. Turnip is a vegetable rich in sulfur , a substance known for its expectorant  and fluidifying effects . Turnip syrup is particularly effective in cases of wet coughs and at the same time helps soothe throat irritations.

Take a turnip, wash it and make a hole with a knife so you can put 1 teaspoon of cane sugar in it.

Let the turnip sit overnight, making sure it stays upright so as not to spill the cane sugar.

If the turnip is not large enough to hollow out, slice it into thin strips and sprinkle the cane sugar on top.

In the morning, collect the syrup formed and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day to relieve your cough. 

6 / 6 Honey, lemon, ginger

The trio is well known; and the stronger the preparation, the more effective it remains.

Mix in a small saucepan the juice of a whole lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil while grating some ginger. The amount of ginger is not fixed, but it can be made according to your taste and tolerance. More ginger would make the preparation more effective. 

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